Composing Typography is a self created book that teaches you the main basics of typography with Four main chapters. Illustrated, written, designed, curated, composed by hand. TEXTUE OF TEXT 10 Type Classification 11 Punctuation 12 Type Anatomy 14 Type Family 16 Caps | Small Caps 18 Type Size 20 Type Crime 22 Color | Texture of Type 24 Kerning | Tracking 26 Quotation Marks | Numerals SPACE AND TEXT 30 Grid | Margin 34 Leading | Line Witdh 36 Spacing 38 Hierchy | Vertical text SPACE AND TEXT 42 Alignment 43 Significant Lineation 44 Skewed Line | Shaped Text 50 Interlineation DIVIVING THE TEXT 50 Initial Letter | Paragraph Mark 51 Indentation | Exdentation 53 Ornament Division 54 Color